
TMAAUSA.ORG 是美西德明校友會的唯一網址。 除了提供資訊給本會會員, 歡迎各地校友瀏覽。 德明校友遍及全球, 請踴躍加入。 網址與你息息相關, 是聯繫各位校友的媒介。除了報導會務、活動花絮、節目預告等, 更希望寫出大家關心的事物與校友的訊息。期望各位新知舊雨 共襄會務。誠邀大家供稿, 互相推介, 達到交流分享的目的。


美西德明校友會在千禧年春成立, 以聯誼敘舊, 團結互助, 發揚德明精神為宗旨。







美西校友會之網頁 不斷更新,內容豐富且更趨多元化。每年出版二次或三次的「德明校友會通訊」,報導校友們關心的訊息和專題,免費寄給會員、屬會和有關校友。2004年8月,我們主辦了第二屆德明院校全球校友聯誼大會,有500多位校友由世界各地到來參加,場面熱鬧。我們又熱烈支持和參與各屆各地的全球校友聯誼大會。南加州的會員亦已多次在羅省地區舉辦聯歡宴會,參加的校友及親眷每逾百人。近年校友會更註冊為非牟利機構,對校友會的稅務及運作更是相得益彰。




                       會長        副會長
    第一屆:    陳伯英     甄碧桂
    第二屆:   [許傑儒]   伍健儒
    第三屆:   [許傑儒]   伍健儒
    第四屆:    伍健儒     鄭玉海
    第五屆:    伍健儒     招樹全
    第六屆:    陳鐵平     甄碧桂
    第七屆:    陳鐵平     甄碧桂
    第八屆:   [許傑儒]   甄碧桂
    第九屆:    甄碧桂   [許傑儒]
    第十屆:    甄碧桂     伍健儒
第十一屆:    伍健儒     鄭玉海
第十二屆:    伍健儒     鄭玉海
第十三屆:    黃天相     陳伯英

   第一章 總章

  • 第一條 定名:  本會定名為德明校友會 (Tak Ming Alumni Association) (以下簡稱本會)
  • 第二條 宗旨:  聯絡會員感情,發揮德明精神。

   第二章 會員
  • 第一條 會員資格:曾在德明肆業或工作者。
  • 第二條 入會:認同本會宗旨,填具入會申請表,由本會登記後,得成為本會會員。
  • 第三條 會費:年費15元,永久會員150元,會員夫婦20元,永久會員夫婦200元。
  • 第四條 會員權利: 選舉權,被選權,提議權,表決權及罷免權。
  • 第五條 會員義務: 
               甲.  遵守本會會章。
               乙.  服從會員大會,或特別會員大會之決議案。
  • 第六條 罰則: 會員如有觸犯下列各項之一者,經理事會通過,得向其警告,或開除其會籍。
               甲.  違反本會會章。 
               乙.  擅用本會名義作不法行為,致損害本會名譽者。
   第三章 組織與職權
  • 第一條: 
               榮譽顧問:  本校前校長為當然榮譽顧問。
               榮譽會員:  本校歷任教師為當然榮譽會員。
               顧問:  凡本校校友,需經由理事會推舉及通過,方可擔任顧問。
               職權:  榮譽顧問及榮譽會員及顧問均屬諮詢性質,不享有投票權。
  • 第二條 會員大會: 
               甲.  為本會最高權力組織。
               乙.  會員大會職權為: 
                         (1)  通過修改會章。
                         (2)  選舉理事會職員。
                         (3)  檢討會務方針。
                         (4)  通過理事會之會務報告及財務報告。
                         (5)  罷免瀆職之理事。
  • 第三條 理事會:  
               甲.  本會設理事會處理日常會務,理事會新會員由現任理事會提名,再由會員投票選出。
               乙.  獲選新理事互選所有職位。
               丙.  理事會職權:
                         (1)  為本會之執行單位,辦理日常會務工作。
                         (2)  執行會員大會及特別會員大會之決議。
                         (3)  編定工作計劃。
                         (4)  向會員大會提出會務及財政報告。
               丁.  理事職務: 
                         (1)  會長:  對外代表本會,對內主持一切會議,綜理各項會務。
                         (2)  副會長:  協助會長推行會務,如遇會長缺席時,則代理其職務,並協助處理聯絡工作。
                         (3)  秘書:  處理文書紀錄工作,管理本會文件,保管印信檔案。
                         (4) 財務:  處理本會財政收支,編印財務報告於會員大會時向會員報告。
                         (5)  編輯:  處理本會通訊會刊編印及出版事宜。
                         (6)  會籍:  管理會員名單及註冊事宜。
                         (7)  康樂:  擔任康樂工作,統籌康樂活動。
                         (8)  總務:  處理一切庶務工作,採購及保管事宜。
                         (9)  聯絡:  負責聯絡會員。
                       (10)  資訊:  負責統籌、制定和推行與資訊科技有關的策略及準則。推廣 校友對本會網站的認識和應用。
                       (11)  常務理事:  協助本會會務及活動。
  • 第四條 任期:  本會榮譽顧問無任期限制,理事任期二年,由每屆一月一日起,至翌年十二月三十一日止,連選得連任,但會長最多得連任一次。
   第四章 會議
  • 第一條 會議: 
                甲.  會員大會:  每年最少舉行會員大會一次。
                乙.  特別會員大會:  達三分之二或以上理事或會員三十人以上以書面提請召開,會長得召開特別會員大會,惟討論及決定之事項,祇限於請求書上所列各點。
                丙.  理事會每年最少舉行會議三次,以過半數理事出席為法定人數。
                丁.  複選會議:  會長應於任期完結前召開新理事職務互選會議及新舊理事聯席會議,辦理職務移交。
   第五章 經費
  • 第一條 會款用途:  本會會款只限支付本會正常經費及本會有關事務費用。
   第六章 附則
  • 第一條 解散:  本會如需要解散時需經會員大會或特別會員大會通過,並得全體會員
  • 第二條 修改會章:  本會會章及任何修正案須經理事會三分之二同意,並經會員大會
   第七章 免責聲明




Section 1 Summary

    Article 1 Name:  The name for this organization shall be Tak Ming Alumni Association (TMAA).

    Article 2 Purpose:  Promote Tak Ming spirit, maintain member communication and relationships.

Section 2 Membership

    Article 1 Member Eligibility:  former Tak Ming student, teacher, or administrative staff.

    Article 2 Membership Process:  Accept the TMAA Purpose and fill out membership application.  Membership starts upon the completion of the registration process.

    Article 3 Dues:  Membership dues are:
        (a) Regular member:  $15 for individual and $20 for couple annually.
        (b) Life-member:  $150 one-time for individual and $200 for couple.
    Article 4 Member Privileges:  election right, right to be elected, right to submit resolutions, right to submit and decide motions/resolutions and right to dismiss association staffs (through elections).

    Article 5 Membership Obligations:
        (a) Obey the Bylaws.
        (b) Obey the resolutions made in the General Membership Meeting or special members meetings.
    Article 6 Penalties:  Any member committing any one of the following violations will either be warned or expelled, subjected to the decision made by the Board of Directors:
        (a) Violation of the Bylaws. 
        (b) Unlawful conduct or misrepresentation of the Association, or other acts which are detrimental to the best interest or reputation of the Association. 

Section 3 Organization and Responsibilities

Article 1 Advisor: all school alumni, must be nominated and approved by the Board of Directors.
              Honorary Advisor: former Tak Ming principals nominated by the Board of Directors.
              Honorary Members: former Tak Ming teachers.
              Duties: Honorary Advisor and honorary members are advisory in nature and do not have voting privilege.

Article 2 The General Membership Meeting:
              A. The General Membership Meeting is the supreme authority of the Association. 
              B. The duties of the General Membership Meeting are: 

      1. To approve Bylaw revisions.
      2. To approve the newly elected Board of Directors.
      3. To review board business directions.
      4. To approve business and financial reports from the Board of Directors.
      5. To authorize the removal of directors.

Article 3 Board of Directors:

A. The Board of Directors conducts daily business activities. New directors are nominated by the current directors and elected by general membership voting. 
B. Newly elected directors nominate each other to various positions and duties. 
C. Duties of the Board of Directors:

  1. Is the executive unit of the Association responsible for daily business activities.
  2. Execute resolutions made by the general membership meeting and special meetings.
  3. Business planning.
  4. Provide business status and financial reports to the general membership meeting

D. Duties of the Directors:

  • President:  Chief executive officer who represents the association externally and internally takes charge of all business meetings and activities.
  • Vice President:  Assists the President in performing the Association business duties and assumes the duties of the President in his/her absence.
  • Secretary:  Handles all business records and documentation.
  • Treasurer:  Handles all financial transactions and reporting.
  • Editor-In-Chief:  Handles all newsletters editing and printing activities.
  • Membership Director:  Maintains membership roster and handles membership registration.
  • Activities Director:  Handles all recreation and entertainment activities.
  • Business Administration Director:  Handles miscellaneous business activities including purchasing and storage.
  • Communications Director:  Handles alumni communication.
  • Information Technology Director:  Handles all matters relating to information technology.  Expand usage and effectiveness of the TMAA website.
  • General Program Director:  Assists implementation of business activities.

Article 4 Terms:  There is no term limit for the Honorary Advisor.  Members in the Board of Directors serve a term of two years starting January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year.  Reelected directors may serve unlimited terms.  However, the President can only serve a maximum number of two consecutive terms.

Section 4 Business Meetings

Article 1 Membership meetings:

A. General Membership Meeting:
                At least one general membership meeting shall be held every year.
B. Special Members Meeting:
                Special meetings can be called with two-third (2/3) of the Broad of Directors or at least 30 members with written requests.  The TMAA President shall chair the Special Members Meetings with agendas limited to written requests only.
C. The Broad of Directors shall meet at least three times a year with over half of the Broad members presented at each meeting to be legitimate.
 D. Re-election Meetings:
                Before the term expiration, the TMAA President should call special meetings to nominate new Directors and facilitate the transfer of responsibilities from the current positions to the newly elected Directors.

Section 5 Budget

Article 1 Usage of Dues: TMAA dues can only be used to cover normal TMAA-related expenses.

Section 6 Addendums

Article 1 Dissolution of the Association: The Association can be dissolved with the approval of two-third of general membership in either a general membership meeting or special membership meeting.  All Association assets shall be disposed of according to the decision made in these meetings.
Article 2 Bylaw revision:  The TMAA Bylaws and any revision can only be made with the approval of a two-third majority (2/3) of the Board of Directors and the approval of over half of the general membership presented in either the general membership meeting or special membership meeting

Section 7 Activities Disclaimer

All participants of TMAA activities do so voluntarily. The participants and their family members must agree and accept this Disclaimer or Release of Liability. If the said participants suffer accidents resulted in personal injuries, death, or loss of personal properties, they must take personal responsibility of the injuries and losses. TMAA Alumni Association, USA West (all Directors and staffs) does not accept any legal and financial responsibilities.

    (revised: July 21, 2019)



Tak Ming Alumni Association
P.O. Box 990,
Cupertino, CA 95015, USA




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